
If you want to enjoy the company of the girl of the night or the escort, there are few things to keep in mind.

Treat her as any other human being

If you are going to run late, it is good to tell her and you should not use the hotel but the contact number he gave you. Since the sex workers have already the stigma, you should not be rude to them or say something, which can make them to look creepy. Discuss what it is going to take place, in case it is sting operation by police.

You should treat the escort as you would treat any human being, be sweet and polite. They are human being and they deserve that they should be treated as human. You should not expect that the escort should not mind when you do not shower. It is always good if you may shower in the hotel room or somewhere else. If you know that you did not discuss something with an escort before, you should not think that it is your right since the escort may say no.

Always tip, if the escort offered her service and she was not that bad, it is good if you may tip to show the appreciation. Give sweet gifts before and try to be nice to her so that you may warm up the atmosphere.

Don’t be mean towards the escort since they also deserve to be respected. Even if you do pay for her time to be with you, it will not mean that you have to be disrespectful or condensing. In case you can be compassionate and considerate towards them, then it shows the way that you are a person who is worthy to be dated. Remember that the escort may walk out if you want to be cruel to them.

Keep in agreement

Don’t ask the escorts to give you freebies or discount. Escort will pay the groceries and bills from the money that you pay her, and this is in exchange of time that they do spend together with you, if you had already agreed to the amount; you should never ask to get the discount.

Don’t go with friends: if you had an appointment with the escort, it will be between the two people and it is not good when you invite another person. If the fee agreed on is intended for a single person, you should never bring your friends. This is because if you are more than just one person, then the escort may leave.

Don’t be too shy: even if it may be the first time that you may be hiring an escort, if you become too shy, you are going to ruin the entire experience. You have to relax and the escort is going to do a job you need. If there is a question you would want to ask, you do not have to be afraid or find here some of the common FAQ to the escorts. The escorts are already used to the weird questions.

You should never cancel on an escort without letting her now before.


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